Marvin- Thanks! I learned quite alot from reading your blogsite. I'm looking forward to the new series.
KSol said: "it was only AFTER the Flood that Noah was instructed to not eat blood with the flesh, and hence applicability is for those AFTER that Divine command was made."
"Which raises an interesting point: given the modern-day JW stance on blood transfusion, if one of Noah's son had been injured in an ark-building accident and was bleeding to death, it would NOT be a sin for him to accept a blood transfusion, since God hadn't prohibited it yet (and that same logic would apply to Adam, Abel, etc)."
KSol-Is it your assumption that Noah and his family and their predecessors, prior to the Flood were carnivores? (Gen1:29) You emphasized "AFTER"..
But, it was only after the Flood that Noah and his family, then all of mankind to follow, were permitted to use animals as a food source ( Gen 9:3) And so why would a Divine command have been necessary prior to them being permitted to eat flesh in the first place. So, your point regarding Adam, Abel blood transfusion seems flawed.